Navigating Tax Season with MyFreeTaxes and Maximizing EITC

Tax time is here, and getting the biggest refund possible is important. United Way’s MyFreeTaxes® is a free and easy way to file your federal and state taxes. You can do it yourself without paying for help!

Since it started, MyFreeTaxes has helped over 1.3 million people save money on tax preparation fees—about $260 million total.

You should also know about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). This is a special credit to help workers and families with low to moderate incomes. How much you can get depends on how much you earn and how many kids you have. For example, in 2023, families with three or more kids could get up to $7,430!

MyFreeTaxes makes filing easy. It helps you get credits like the EITC so you can keep more of your money.

MyFreeTaxes | Overview

MyFreeTaxes helps people file their taxes for free while getting the assistance they need. United Way provides MyFreeTaxes in partnership with the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to help filers prepare their tax returns on their own or have their return prepared for them for free.

MyFreeTaxes is 100% free. There are no charges or fees associated with any of the tax filing options.

United Way operates MyFreeTaxes and is committed to ensuring that you can easily and accurately file your taxes to receive the refunds you deserve. We care about making taxes free and less complicated in a safe and convenient online experience.

MyFreeTaxes connects users to one of two self-preparation software options based on their income:

  • File My Own Taxes

  • Have My Taxes Prepared for Me

Common tax situations covered in MyFreeTaxes include:

  • W-2 income

  • Self-employment income (Schedule C and 1099)

  • Mortgage interest deduction

  • Health savings accounts (HSAs)

  • Limited interest and dividend income reported on a 1099-INT or 1099-DIV

  • Unemployment income

  • Student education expenses and credits

  • Student loan interest

  • Claiming the standard deduction

  • Itemized returns

  • Earned Income Tax Credit (EIC)

  • Child tax credits

  • Child and dependent care expenses

  • Non-resident returns

  • Amended tax returns

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a refundable credit based upon your earned (W-2) income. It usually increases as you add qualified dependents. Additional qualifications include:

  • Taxpayers and qualifying dependents must have Social Security Numbers that allow them to work in the U.S.

  • Cannot file as Married Filing Separately

  • Must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien all year

  • Cannot have foreign income

  • Have investment income of $3,650 or less

  • Cannot be claimed as a dependent by someone else

  • Dependent(s) must be related to you, meet certain age requirements, must reside with you for more than half the year, and cannot be claimed by more than one person

EITC Eligibility Factors

EITC eligibility depends on several factors, including income and family size. If you don’t have a qualifying child and earned under $17,640 ($24,210 married filing jointly), find out if you qualify for a smaller credit, worth as much as $600. 

If you or someone you know earned less than $63,698 from wages, running a business or farm or from Form 1099 MISC, check to see if you qualify.

Checking EITC Eligibility

The IRS recommends using a copy of your prior-year tax return for obtaining your prior-year Earned Income Level:

  • Look for Form 8812. Earned income is shown on line 6a.

  • If there is no Form 8812, look for the EITC worksheets, which are usually included at the end of your return. Earned income is listed on Worksheet A, Line 1 and Worksheet B, Line 4b.

Empowering Individuals with MyFreeTaxes

United Way remains steadfast in its commitment to empowering individuals and families across communities to achieve health, education, and financial stability. With tax refunds and credits playing a pivotal role in this journey, MyFreeTaxes stands as a beacon of support, offering a reliable avenue for filing taxes without the burden of fees. 

With over 1.3 million users benefiting from $260 million in savings on tax preparation fees, MyFreeTaxes underscores United Way's dedication to ensuring equitable access to financial resources. 

Moreover, by maximizing the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), individuals can further bolster their financial well-being. 

While unfortunately the United Way of Cattaraugus & Allegany Counties does not offer VITA tax assistance, MyFreeTaxes is available online to anyone in need:


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